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电子邮箱: xjduan@pku.edu.cn






主要致力于新型植入式神经电极阵列的研制与脑机接口应用研究。在 Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Communications, PNAS 等期刊发表文章 20 多篇 , 撰写专著 1 部,申请专利 10 项。







1998-2002 兰州大学化学化工学院

2002-2007威斯尼斯人615CC棋牌化学与分子工程学院 博士 导师:刘忠范 张锦


2007.7–2013.2 哈佛大学化学与化学生物学系博士后

2013.2–现在  威斯尼斯人615CC棋牌未来技术学院研究员


n 北京市自然科学基金杰出青年项目 (课题负责人,项目编号JQ20008,“石墨烯生物界面材料”,100万,2020.10-2023.12)

n 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (课题负责人,项目编号21972005,“电-磁双模态神经界面中的电化学和材料研究”,65万,2020.1-2023.12)


1. X. Meng, Y. Cheng, P. Wang, K. Chen, Z. Chen, X. Liu, X. Fu, K. Wang, K. Liu, Z. Liu, X. Duan*, Enhanced Hemocompatibility of a Direct Chemical Vapor Deposition-Derived Graphene Film, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13: 4835-4843 (2021).

2. S. Zhao#, G. Li#, C. Tong, W. Chen, P. Wang, J. Dai, X. Fu, Z. Xu, X. Liu, L. Lu, Z. Liang*, X. Duan*, Full activation pattern mapping by simultaneous deep brain stimulation and fMRI with graphene fiber electrodes, Nature Communications 11:1788 (2020).

3. S. Wei, R. Yin, T. Tang, Y. Wu, Y. Liu, P. Wang, K. Wang*, M. Mei, R. Zou, X. Duan*, Gas-Permeable, Irritation-Free, Transparent Hydrogel Contact Lens Devices with Metal-Coated Nanofiber Mesh for Eye Interfacing, ACS Nano, 13, 7, 7920-7929 (2019).

4. L. Lu, X. Fu, Y. Liew, Y. Zhang, S. Zhao, Z. Xu, J. Zhao, D. Li, Q. Li, G. B. Stanley*, X. Duan*, Soft and MRI Compatible Neural Electrodes from Carbon Nanotube Fibers, Nano Lett., 19, 15771586 (2019).

5. R. Yin#, Z. Xu#, M. Mei, Z. Chen, K. Wang, Y. Liu, T. Tang, M. Priydarshi, X. Meng, S. Zhao, B. Deng, H. Peng, Z. Liu, X. Duan*, Soft transparent graphene contact lens electrode for conformal, full-cornea recording of electroretinogram, Nature Communications 9:2334 (2018).

6. J. Zhang, X. Liu, W. Xu, W. Luo, M. Li, F. Chu, L. Xu, A. Cao, J. Guan, S. Tang, X. Duan*, Stretchable Transparent Electrode Arrays for Simultaneous Electrical and Optical Interrogation of Neural Circuits in Vivo, Nano Lett., 18, 2903-2911 (2018).

7. S. Zhao, X. Liu, Z. Xu, H. Ren, B. Deng, M. Tang, L. Lu, X. Fu, H. Peng, Z. Liu, X. Duan, Graphene Encapsulated Copper Microwires as Highly MRI Compatible Neural Electrodes, Nano Lett., 16, 77317738 (2016)

8. T.-M. Fu, X. Duan, Z. Jiang, X. Dai, P. Xie, Z. Cheng, C. M. Lieber, Sub-10-nm intracellular bioelectronic probes from nanowire–nanotube heterostructures, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 111, 1259-1264 (2014)

9. X. Duan, R. Gao, P. Xie, T. Cohen-Karni, Q. Qing, H. Choe, B. Tian, X. Jiang, C. M. Lieber, Intracellular recordings of action potentials by an extracellular nanoscale field-effect transistor, Nature Nanotech., 7, 174-179 (2012).