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研究领域主要为干细胞和RNA生物学。利用细胞生物学分子生物学遗传学生物化学和生物信息学等手段,结合二代测序高通量筛选基因编辑等新技术进行研究,研究内容涵盖干细胞相关生物学过程机制研究,疾病模型和药物靶标研究,以及与基础或应用研究相关的共性新技术开发。主要成果包括建立了miRNA 全敲除小鼠胚胎干细胞系,率先揭示了miRNA 通路对于胚胎干细胞增殖与分化的重要作用;发现了调控胚胎干细胞增殖、细胞周期、糖酵解代谢和自我更新等功能的miR-290和miR-302家族并解析了其分子机制;发明了miRNA激活CRISPR-Cas9基因编辑体系开启的技术平台,以及新型非编码RNA启动子活性报告基因技术;鉴定了调控FGF/ERK通路活性的长非编码RNA,解析了其促进胚胎干细胞自我更新的功能和分子机制;发现了调控早期胚胎发育合子基因组激活 (ZGA) 和体外全能干细胞转化的新分子通路PIAS4-SUMO2-DPPA2/4。在学术杂志Nature Genetics、Nature Cell Biology、Nature Communications、EMBO JournalCell ResearchPLoS Biology等以第一或通讯作者发表学术论文30余篇。总引用3000余次。现任Science Bulletin编委,中国细胞生物学学会干细胞分会委员,中国生物化学及分子生物学学会RNA分会委员,RNA分会青年委员会主任委员。








1996-2000 威斯尼斯人615CC棋牌生命科学学院

2001-2006 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (美国) 博士 导师:Scott K. Silverman


2000.7 – 2001.6 威斯尼斯人615CC棋牌生命科学学院技术员

2006.3 – 2010.12 美国University of California, San Francisco博士后  导师:Robert H. Blelloch

2011.1 – 2018.8 威斯尼斯人615CC棋牌分子医学研究所研究员(助理教授)

2018.9 – 2021.1 威斯尼斯人615CC棋牌分子医学研究所研究员(副教授)

2021.1 – 现在   威斯尼斯人615CC棋牌未来技术学院研究员(教授)


1. Zhao, Y.T. and *Wang, Y. (2021) Monitoring the promoter activity of long noncoding RNAs and stem cell differentiation through knock-in of sgRNA flanked by tRNA in an intron. Cell Discovery, 53, e12914.

2. #Yan, Y.L, #Zhang, C., Hao, J., Wang, X.L., Ming, J., Mi, L., Na, J., Hu, X. and *Wang,Y. (2019) DPPA2/4 and SUMO E3 ligase PIAS4 opposingly regulate zygotic transcriptional program. PLOS Biology 17, e3000324.

3. #Wang, X.W., #Hu, L.F., Hao, J., Liao, L.Q., Chiu, Y.T., Shi, M. and *Wang,Y. (2019) A microRNA-inducible CRISPR-Cas9 platform serves as a microRNA sensor and cell-type-specific genome regulation tool. Nature Cell Biology 21, 522-530. (Highlighted by News and Views in Nature Cell Biology, 21, 416-417)

4. #Li, Y.P., #Duan, F.F., Zhao, Y.T., Gu, K.L., Liao, L.Q., Su, H.B., Hao, J., Zhang, K., Yang, N. and *Wang,Y. (2019) A TRIM71 binding long noncoding RNA Trincr1 represses FGF/ERK signaling in embryonic stem cells. Nature Communications 10, 1368.

5. Wang, X.W., Hao, J., Guo, W.T., Liao, L.Q., Huang, S., Guo, X., Bao, X., Esteban, M.A. and *Wang, Y. (2017) DGCR8-independent stable microRNA expression strategy reveals important functions of miR-290 and miR-183~182 families in mouse embryonic stem cells. Stem Cell Reports 9,1618-1629.

6. #Gu, K.L., #Zhang, Q., #Yan, Y., #Li, T.T., Duan, F.F., Hao, J., Wang, X.W., Shi, M., Wu, D.R., Guo, W.T., *Wang, Y. (2016) Pluripotency Associated miR-290/302 Family of microRNAs Promote the Dismantling of Naive Pluripotency. Cell Research 26, 350-366.

7. #Cao, Y., #Guo, W.T., Tian, S., He, X., Wang, X.W., Liu, X., Gu, K.L., Ma, X., Huang, D., Cai, Y.P., Zhang, H., *Wang, Y. and *Gao, P. (2015) miR-290/371-Mbd2-Myc Circuit Regulates Glycolytic Metabolism to Promote Pluripotency. EMBO Journal 34, 609-623.

8. Guo, W.T., Wang, X.W., Yan, Y.L., Li, Y.P., Yin, X., Zhang, Q., Melton, C., Shenoy, A., Reyes, N.A., Oakes, S.A., *Blelloch, R. and *Wang,Y. (2015) Suppression of Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition and Apoptotic Pathways by miR-294/302 Synergistically Blocks let-7-induced Silencing of Self-renewal in Embryonic Stem Cells. Cell Death and Differentiation 22, 1158-1169.

9. Wang, Y., Baskerville, S., Shenoy, A., Babiarz, J.E., Baehner, L. and *Blelloch, R. (2008) Embryonic Stem Cell Specific microRNAs Regulate the G1/S Transition and Promote Rapid Proliferation. Nature Genetics 40, 1478-1483. (Highlighted in Nature Reports Stem Cells; News and Views in Nature Genetics, 2008, 40, 1391-1392; and in Cell Stem Cell, 2009, 4, 9-10)

10. Wang, Y., Medvid, R., Melton, C., Jaenisch, R. and *Blelloch, R. (2007) DGCR8 is Essential for microRNA Biogenesis and Silencing of Embryonic Stem Cell Self-Renewal. Nature Genetics 39, 380-385.